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10 Tips for a More Success and Prosperity in the New Year

10 Tips for a More Success and Prosperity in the New YearAnother year has come and gone. I hope everyone has done something life-changing in the past year, but most people are probably in the same situation as the previous years.

In this article, I wanted to share a few insights into starting a business and developing the right mindset for change and success. The easiest thing for most people to do is to keep going what they’ve been doing, so here are a few tips and ideas that you can implement to help you become more successful this year.

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How You Can Become More Successful by Practicing Less

Distributed PracticeIn the late 1800’s, Hermann Ebbinghaus conducted a memory experiment on himself to see if he could learn faster by learning a lot of new information in one sitting or if learning through multiple shorter sessions was more efficient.

He created 2,300 nonsense syllables and he tested his ability to remember these syllables by trying to learn some of them in shorter sessions over a longer period of time.

In his tests, he experimented with two methods. The first method was to conduct fewer, but longer learning sessions to memorize the syllables and the second method was to use shorter learning sessions that were spaced out over a longer period of time.

Ebbinghaus discovered that he was able to memorize syllables more effectively when he used shorter learning sessions over a longer time frame. This practice became known as distributed learning or distributed practice.

Later research studies confirmed that people could learn and master skills more effectively by applying distributed learning rather than trying to practice a new skill too much in a short period of time.

Are you trying to master a new skill?

Whether you are trying to learn how to play a new instrument, learning a new language or trying to get better at marketing your business, applying the concept of distributed practice can help. Let’s take a closer look at why it works and a few examples.

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5 Examples of How Altruism Can Catapult Business and Marketing Results

5 Examples of How Altruism Can Catapult Business and Marketing ResultsOne commonly overlooked tactic for becoming more successful is to become more altruistic. In his book Give and Take, Adam Grant discusses research studies on sales people, which showed that top performers were givers and averaged 50% more revenue than their colleagues.

So why does generosity work so well?

Because many people will be naturally inclined to reciprocate when someone does something nice for them.

Not everyone will return the favor, but a percentage of people will and if you reach enough people, then your business will definitely see the results. Having a generous mindset allows you to give freely without expecting anything in return.

Here are 5 examples of people and businesses that achieved growth by being generous.

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10 Tips for Business and Marketing Success This Year

10 Tips for Business and Marketing Success This YearHello everyone and hope you had a great year. It’s a new year and I figured I’d start off by sharing some tips on some things you can do to get off to the right start and make this year one of your most successful years yet.

Want to make a change in your life? Don’t procrastinate…because nothing will change unless you do something different. Here are some tips to make meaningful progress this year.

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13 Tips on How to Become More Successful in 2017

13 Tips on How to Become More SuccessfulHappy 2017 everyone! A new year is upon us and I figured I’d start off this year by sharing some tips and ideas on how we can all make this year more successful than the last.

Many people struggle with how to become more successful. Whether our goals are to start our own business, live a healthy lifestyle or develop better relationships, success is difficult for most people.

But as each year passes, we should strive to make the changes so that the future will be better than the past.

If you feel stuck and are looking for change, here are a few tips to help you succeed.

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