One popular format for blog posts is the expert roundup, where a blogger invites a lot of influencers to answer a question. These responses are then consolidated into a blog post and the influencers will often share the article on social media, which allows it to get a lot of social shares in a short amount of time.
The expert roundup was especially popular around 2014 and my first roundup article ended up getting over 7,000 social shares. In case you don’t know what an expert roundup is and why you might want to do one, you can check out the guide that I wrote on Smart Blogger.
However, expert roundups are not always effective and many roundup articles fail to even get over 100 shares. Low quality content, not having a good promotion plan (and yes, you should promote it yourself) and poor organization are just a few reasons that roundups can fail.
One expert roundup format that tends to produce more reliable results is what I call an expert infused roundup. This quick guide explains what an expert infused roundup is, as well as the pros and cons of using this format versus a traditional expert roundup.