Here are some people that I’ve been Tweeted by:
Kristi Hines is a prominent blogger who has written for Search Engine Watch, Kissmetrics, Unbounce, Social Media Examiner and many other prominent blogs.
Brian Dean is the founder of Backlinko, an SEO blog that quickly became an authority site in under a year.
Ann Smarty is a known SEO expert and creator of My Blog U and co-founder of Viral Content Buzz.
Danny Brown is the author of Influence Marketing and Parables of Business. His blog was recognized by Social Media Examiner as one of the top 10 social media blogs of 2011 and 2013.
Neil Patel is a well known SEO expert and has increased Tech Crunch’s growth by 30% and is co-founder of Kissmetrics, Hello Bar, and Crazy Egg.
Ileane Smith is a well known blogging expert and runs where she shares social media marketing and blogging tips.
Larry Kim is the CTO and founder of Wordstream. They also have a high traffic online marketing blog on their site.
Zac Johnson is a well known super affiliate and runs where he shares internet marketing tips.
Search Engine Journal is a well known website for search engine news.
LinkedIn also found my post on how top publishers get featured on the Pulse and featured it as one of the top 10 LinkedIn marketing posts for 2014.